Select to have Chromebook read aloud the selected text

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Select to have Chromebook read aloud the selected text

In today's mail service we will dive inward Chromebook accessibility features as well as share alongside y'all this handy text to voice communication tip nosotros discovered through a tweet from Google for Education. As you in all likelihood know Chronebook has 2 built-inwards text to voice communication features: There is an integrated  Screen Reader which, one time activated, volition read everything yous focus on. This characteristic is especially helpful for people amongst vision loss. Alternatively, in that location is Select to Speak feature which allows you to  select text too accept it read out-loud.

Select to Speak feature can be activated from Chromebook'sec settings. Once on, yous tin can then drag a box about text too take it read aloud. Words are highlighted as Select to Speak read them which is a swell feature to assist students alongside reading or comprehension problems. Language learners tin can too use this accessibility characteristic to prepare speaking skills and learn appropriate pronunciation of a target language. Watch the video below to meet how to turn on Select to Speak in addition to what y'all tin can make amongst it.
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